Energy Conservation Team


As everyone is aware we are experiencing tough economic times. Rutherford County Government officials and DSS have had to look for ways to cut expenditures while maintaining the same high level of services, while serving an increasing number of consumers. This has not been easy as it is very difficult to find budget cuts among mandated and needed programs. One way that we are attempting to to reduce expenditures is by conserving energy and making our offices more energy efficient.

 The county now has an Energy Conservation Technician (ECT). The ECT, Shane Dotson, has been responsible for visiting all of the departments in county government and evaluating their energy usage. As a result of that the county has developed policies and guidelines regarding power and energy use to be adhered to by each department. 

 DSS has formed an ENERGY TEAM that took on the task of developing agency wide policy that adheres to the county wide policy, as well as came up with other ideas that will aid the agency in saving energy, which will result in saved money, and that in saved jobs and continued high level needed services.

 The Energy Team welcomes and encourages sugesstions and comments from all staff members and from citizens.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions concerning our Energy Conservation Program please contact Luann Butler at 828-287-6283 or


  • Thermostats are set at 74 degrees for cooling and 68 degrees for heating
  • No space heaters of any type are allowed in offices or any other areas of the building
  • Heating and cooling vents cannot be covered up in offices or in other areas in the building
  • Lighting is reduced in hallways and corridors
  • Temperature of the water heaters in the building has been reduced
  • Lights are turned off in unoccupied areas
  • No individual appliances are allowed in offices such as coffee makers, refrigerators, heaters, microwaves etc.
  • No unnecessary items are plugged in offices including air fresheners, decorations (fichus trees, Christmas trees, night lights etc.), radios, scanners, mug warmers, potpourri warmers.
  • Table and desk lamps in offices must use CFL bulbs and should be turned off at the end of the day
  • Items such as phone and laptop computer chargers, calculators, fans or similar items in offices are unplugged at the end of the day
  • Printers, monitors, and computer speakers are turned off at the end of the day
  • Except when necessary for work and security purposes office doors remain open at all times, including when employees leave for the day
  • The Energy Team has placed reminder stickers on light switches that remind employees to turn off lights
  • Posters have been placed throughout the building encouraging employees to pass on “Bright Ideas” to the Energy Team that will add to our conservation efforts.